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Certified Data Erasure

Complete sanitisation of all data on hard drives

By using Enterprise Erase software from Tabernus a leading global provider of certified data erasure software and hardware products, we are able to offer complete sanitisation of all data on hard drives (HDD) and servers, providing clients with enhanced data security and ultimate peace of mind.

Our data erasure process will remove all traces of any data present on the hard drive (HDD).


Benefits of Data Erasure with Go Communications

So why use Go Communications Systems Limited for your data erasure?

By working with Tabernus software, we are able to offer our customers sanitisation on a hard disk up to Confidential, Restricted Secret and Top Secret protective markings. Tabernus software is the preferred erasure method with partners that include Military, Defense, Public/Private sector, Health Care, Banking and IT Recycling and Disposal Sectors. Tabernus software is approved by USA Department of Defense, NATO, NSM, and many more.

For more information on our date erasure services, please contact your account manager.